Friday, June 17, 2005
Runners Rage
What I lack in low tolerance toward drivers while driving, I make up while running. I shake my fist at cars that cut me off, or pull out in front of me, or drive too close and too fast. Asses. If they pull out in front of me and then stop right in my path, they'll get a slap. BAM! goes my hand on the trunk. =) Sometimes I'll flip them the bird, and to people who know me, that is a big deal. However, I have a much higher tolerance for people on my runs. I'll say, "Mornin" or, "Hello." to other runners and sometimes to bikers and people walking their dog. If they don't say hi back, I'm usally ok with it, unlike some of my old runner friends who get really offended and pissed. BUT, I've been running this particular loop in the morning, and the last three times I've run it, I've said hi to this particularly skinny white Stanford girl, and SHE HAS YET TO SAY HI BACK. At first, I thought it was because I was wearing University of Washington gear. Then, maybe I said it too low or too late so she couldn't respond. But today, I said it loud and clear and looked at her and she saw me and didn't say anything back! I was so pissed. How rude! I'm not attempting to be friendly with her again. I called her a couple of names out loud when she was too far away to hear. Next time, I'll flip her off. Probably not, but thinking about that on my run made me laugh out loud. Heh.