Monday, July 25, 2005


Ahhhhh! I'm Free!

It was SO HOT this weekend, and I don't have any air conditioning. I really need to plan my hot weekends away from home. I was so hot that I slept all day both days, so uncomfortable that I clippered my hair off (which feels much better now, ahhh, and actually looks good too), and so into the TDF that I watched the individual time trials from start to finish. Next year, I'm rooting for Landis. (Well, I was rooting for him this year too, but it just didn't happen, ah well).

Reading Catch-22 now, which started off really slowly, but now is getting more interesting as I learn more about each character and how they are all interrelated. I may have to re-read the book, just to catch the confusing first few chapters and look up the words I don't know. I'll do that after I re-read the Half-Blood Prince and look up the words I don't know...

Friday, July 15, 2005


Social Sine

Wow. Today I received 3 invitations to stuff. I feel so popular! I'm doing fun activities the nights of tonight, Saturday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Possibly Sunday and Tuesday as well, but probably not because I HAVE to read Harry Potter #6. My boyfriend and my co-worker will be breathing down my neck to have their turn at it. The last time I was this socially busy was in November and December. Maybe my social life is a sine curve, but maybe this just reflects how busy everyone has been the last 6 months. We are finally cooling off at work... and the weather is nicer.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


169 ip update

Nope. My new driver is better, but I still get an Autoconfiguration ip address. Fart! Tonight I'm going to uninstall and then reinstall the wireless software and card, but I have this icky feeling that I'm never going to fix this. Does anyone have any ideas?

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


169.254.*.* crap

Waaaaaah! My Internet has been broken since June. Attempting to fix. I put a wireless card in my ancient computer and it can see things fine, and it "connects" to the router, but it doesn't seem to want to get to the Internet part. I'm going to try to update my drivers tonight, but this same problem was occuring with a direct connection to my router. The routers don't seem to want to give me an ip address. Windows automatically gives me 169.254.blah.blah. Dude! I am SO frustrated.

Friday, July 01, 2005


The best sporting event in the world

OMG OMG! I just found out that the Tour de France is starting on July 2nd... um wow! I guess thats tomorrow! I *love* that race. I love getting up at 4:30 in the morning to watch it, and I love the energy it gives me. Wow. This is going to be the first time I've been employed during the Tour. I wonder how that will pan out. Summer is most definitely here now! Early morning July, here I come! I just really hope that I get OLN at home. Otherwise, I'm going to have to go into work early or really annoy somebody by sitting in their living room while they sleep. I'll be back in 3 weeks!

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